Amlwch Active Travel logo


  • Feasibility Study

    January 2022




    April 2022

    Identify and establish concept solutions to enable and improve active travel infrastructure in Amlwch.
  • Preliminary Design and Stakeholder Engagement

    April 2023




    November 2023

    The preliminary scheme designs were undertaken during 2023. This included initial stakeholder engagement with local active travel groups, local councillors, Transport for Wales, and other key stakeholders.
  • Public Consultation

    March 2024




    April 2024

    A six week public consultation is being held to enable people who live, work in and visit Amlwch to review and provide comments on the latest Scheme proposals. An in-person consultation even will be held on April 24th in Clwb y Gorlan, Amlwch LL68 9TG from 3-7pm. All are welcome.
  • Finalise Design (continue discussions on route 2)






    Following the public consultation, we will finalise the detailed design, incorporating insights raised by the public and additional details from on-going site investigations.
  • Construction (subject to funding)




    Subject to the approval of funding from WG, construction would occur in 2025/2026.