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We are reviewing active travel options to improve the walking and cycling environment in Amlwch to connect communities, services, and people between key destinations, including the secondary school, leisure centre, Amlwch Industrial Estate, and Amlwch Port.

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Part 1: General Overview

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Part 2: Corridor Overview

Corridor 1: Improvements to walking infrastructure and on-road cycling conditions along Ffordd Tanybryn 

The emerging preferred option for this road is to improve on-road conditions to encourage an increase in cycle use within existing highway, and also creating a safer more attractive route for active travellers. This is done by: 

  • Introducing traffic calming measures to lower traffic speeds
  • Amendments to road markings and signage to increase presence & priority of cyclists on the carriageway; and
  • Footway improvements, including provision of dropped kerbs & tactile paving to encourage walking;
Corridor after the improvements
Corridor before the improvements

Corridor 2: Provision of a shared use path along the western side of the B5111

The emerging preferred option for this road is to separate pedestrians and cyclists from motor traffic through the provision of a shared-use off-carriageway path. This would be done by:

  • providing a 2.5m wide shared-use path along the western side of the B5111;
  • including a shared use path would be separated from the carriageway by a 1m wide grassed verge; 
  • amending the layout of Red Shell roundabout at the northern end of the route to be more compact, which provides more space for shared use path.

The ability to deliver these improvements is dependent on acquiring third-party land. 

Corridor after the proposed improvements
Corridor before the proposed improvements

Corridor 3: Improvements to pedestrian and on-road cycling conditions along the A5025 between Red Shell roundabout and Mona Street, and along Salem Street

The emerging preferred option for this road is to improve on-road conditions to encourage an increase in cycle use within existing highway, and create a safer more attractive route for active travellers. This is done by:

  • reducing the width of the industrial estate access junction. This encourages lower vehicular speeds when entering and exiting the industrial estate, and narrows the crossing distance for those crossing the road; 
  • providing footway improvements, including provision of dropped kerbs & tactile paving;
  • providing advisory cycle lanes in carriageway and removal of central road marking; 
  • reducing side road junction widths. This encourages lower vehicular speeds when entering / existing side roads. This also reduces the crossing distance for those crossing the road;
  • narrowing of carriageway on Salem Street to increase footway width on western side;


Corridor after the proposed improvements
Corridor before the proposed improvements

Corridor 4: Improvements to walking infrastructure and on-road cycling conditions along Madyn Road and Machine Street (towards Amlwch Port)

The emerging preferred option for this road is to improve on-road conditions to encourage an increase in cycle use within existing highway, and create a safer more attractive route for active travellers. This is done by: 

  • Introducing traffic calming measures to lower traffic speeds
  • Amendments to road markings and signage to increase presence & priority of cyclists on the road; and
  • Footway improvements, including provision of dropped kerbs & tactile paving to encourage walking;
Corridor after the proposed improvements
Corridor before the proposed improvements

Corridor 5: Provision of a shared use path through the industrial estate, connecting Ffordd Tanybryn to the A5025

The emerging preferred option for this road is to separate pedestrians and cyclists from motor traffic through the provision of a shared-use off-carriageway path. This is done by:

  • reducing the width of the industrial estate access junction. This encourages lower vehicular speeds when entering and exiting the industrial estate, and narrows the crossing distance for those crossing the road;
  • the provision of a 3m wide shared-use path along the entire corridor;
  • Carriageway narrowing to 5.5m between Tanybryn Road and Industrial Estate which would reduce vehicular speeds; and
  • Improving/widening the existing crossing connecting to Syr Thomas Jones Secondary School.
Corridor after the proposed improvements
Corridor before the proposed improvements

Part 3: Further Questions

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Part 4: Equality and the Welsh language

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